Plan with me! April 2019 Bullet Journal

Here comes April, and with it, smells of flowers in bloom, sweet fresh air, frappuccinos and a massive desire to leave winter behind us to embrace Spring! It is with Spring in mind that I created this month bujo, thinking of the perfume of lavender, and hoping in a colourful, joyful second trimester of the year.

The cover for this month is super simple, and features some lavender flowers. Lavender is one of my favourite flowers, I absolutely love its smells, but in a particular way the calming, relaxing effects it carries with it. After a turbulent winter, I really hope in a different turn of the year, and in a more relaxed Spring.

With hopes of a change in my mind, I decided to change a bit the layout of my bujo, which has been the same for ways too long. Yes, it works very well for me, but I also feel now is a good time to try something new. And so, here is the squared calendar once again. I created a 5x5 weekday boxes, in which I am going to write down my notes and to do list. On the right, my usual goals, wishlist and blog ideas spaces. There is no gratitude box this month, because I found a new home for it, and because I didn't want to fill too much space in the two pages, wanting to keep some room for more lavender decorations.

The habit tracker is different too, and having left aside the individual tracker for a bit (but I'll be back to it soon, cause I simply love it), I decided to use again the most simple layout, a list of my habits and more doodles on the left.

As for the mood tracker, I wanted to do this kind of circle full of rays, one for each day of the month, and each “ray” will be the stem of a lavender flower. The taller the flower, the better the day.

The expenses tracker is a bit different as well, and instead of the four separated weeks, I opted for a single column, where I wrote down the budget for the month, and then my spending list. I will divide each week with a grey line, to separate them, and then write the total at the end of the month.

The one page that didn't change, because I still have to come up with different layouts for it, it the readings, movies and recipes page, which is the same as the previous months. Maybe I should try dutch doors for it next month?

As for the weekly spread, it is a horizontal spread, divided in the middle by some lavender doodles, and with some space at both the external right and left side for extra notes and my gratitude list. I'm trying to find at least one thing to be grateful for each day.

Now, for the materials I used:
A simple black pen
Stabilo black pen
Tombow 553 (indigo)
Tombow N75 cool grey
Fudenosuke soft point brush pen
Faber Castell Art Pen 0.3 (to refine my doodles)

And that is all for this month spread! Hope you might fond it a tiny bit useful. Please let me know what theme you decided to use this month, I would love to see your creations. Take care and talk to you soon,


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