April Bullet Journal Set up

A bit delayed I have to say, but finally my April bullet journal set up is done.
Easter holidays have kept me busy, and among parties and family rendez vous, I managed to finish my April set up only a couple of days ago. As April is the month of Easter celebration, this month theme couldn't but be bunnies and Easter eggs! 
Full list of the tools I've used for this set up comes at the bottom of the article.
Hope you enjoy it!

First page is as usual a drawing of cute animals, based on the month's theme. For April, I chose bunnies and chicks, together with Easter eggs. Colour scheme is pretty simple and classic, with yellow and purple being the two main shades. Here is Mr Bunny then, giving coloured balloons to his friends little fluffy chicks. Mini calendar on the bottom of the page, as always.

Page number two is April calendar and important notes. I've been changing and switching styles almost every month, and still I am not sure I found the ultimate one. I liked how I set up my March calendar and related organisational tasks boxes, but I wanted the calendar to be a bit bigger.

This month thus, here is a bigger calendar, accompanied by the tasks boxes I can't do without: to do list, goals, blog, gratitude and wish list. I did get rid of the “notes” section, as I will include those in the calendar itself. So what do you think? What changes might I apply to make it even better?

Following up, my Trackers. I decided to make them a tiny bit different this month.
As in March I really enjoyed using my mood/energy and sleep tracker, I decided to include it in April too, and to make the page less “boxy” I decided to incorporate together the vertical calendar for both habits and mood/sleep/energy.

I am not completely disappointed of the result, but still, it is not convincing me totally. Moreover, I did a few mistakes in this page, and I didn't manage to fix them all. To start, I completely messed up the list of my habits on the bottom of the page, and I had to write them again on a separate piece of paper, which I glued on the page.

Secondly, I wrote the calendar numbers wrongly, with 1 starting on the top, when it should have started on the bottom, to make it easier for me to follow up the days (marking them as closer as possible to the habits themselves). A few things I will need to keep in mind next month, even though I think that for May I will go back to the two separate boxes, like I did in March.

On the opposite page, my Expense tracker, and here I decided to experiment something new again. Instead of marking my expenses on one line, as I've done for the past three months, I decided to divide them in boxes, one for each week of the month, so that I will be able to check how much I am spending every week, and if there is a time when I spend more than others. I'll let you know how I find this new system later on.

Next comes my Reading list, and my Recipe list. I love those two pages, I am using them all the time. The Recipe list especially, is amazing to keep track of some recipes I tried and loved, and I know I can always go back to check them out and reproduce them whenever I want.

Lastly, my weekly spread.
Now, I really wanted to do something different this month, but maybe I've exaggerated a bit. I knew I wanted to use vertical boxes, as I used horizontal ones in March, but to make them funnier I tried to draw them uneven, some of them higher than others. I am not completely dissatisfied with the result, which is nice and coloured as well, but I don't think I would adopt the same style again, as it really comes up a bit messy and distractive to the eye.

The tools I've used for this set up are:
Pencil (for the sketches)
Staedtler triplus fineliner in black
Tombow Fudenosuke pen with a soft brush
Hybrid gel gold pen
Tombow dual brush pen in black num N15
Tombow dual brush pen in light purple N623
Tombow dual brush pen in light yellow N062

Here is my April set up! I hope you might find some ideas for yours, and if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to write them down for me, I'll be more than happy to try them out.
Talk to you later, and take care!


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