Let's Watch a Movie – Inferno

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When Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code was published in 2003 I remember I jumped in the first book shop and I bought it. I read it in two days, and I loved it so much. I loved the 2006 movie with Tom Hanks too, even though I loved the book the most (as always).

Something similar happened with the sequel Angels and Demons, even though I liked them a tiny bit less than The Da Vinci Code. But I didn't like at all the books Dan Brown published after those ones. They just didn't catch me. That's why I was a bit unsure about watching Inferno; I read the book in 2013 and found it nice, but still a good level under Dan Brown's most popular book, and I was a bit afraid I would have been disappointed. I then decided to wait for the DVD to be released, and watch it at home instead of the cinema.

My opinion hasn't changed that much to be honest. As with the book, I liked it but I didn't love it, and I think its just a pale imitation of that beautifully written thriller which is The Da Vinci Code.
In this third novel, Inferno, Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) is back with another adventure. The mystery he has to solve lies again in the depth of an Italian city, Florence this time, and once more its linked to a secret hidden behind a famous masterpiece – Dante's Inferno.

To make things more complicated, Langdon has no memory of what happened to him in the past days. He wakes up in a hospital in Florence, he's injured, but has no idea of how and when he travelled to Italy, and how he got injured. His doctor, Sienna Brroks (Felicity Jones) helps him recovering his lost memory, and also protects him when a killer, dressed as an Italian police woman,tries to kill Langdon, who needs to recover his lost memory very soon to understand why people want him dead.

As I said, the movie is nice, but not great. There are a few good ideas, that the book can develop much better than the movie (which is obviously limited by time and budget). I definitely loved the book more than the film, and I would suggest the vision only to Dan Brown's fan, and to people who enjoy a nice thriller, even though the story at the end comes up as very rushy and a bit messy.


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