TV Show Addicted – Once Upon a Time S6

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Once Upon a Time used to be one of my favourite TV shows. I loved the core idea – Disney characters brought into reality, but keeping their magic qualities, creating a mixture of reality and fantasy so perfect and captivating. I watched the whole first season, and couldn't wait for the second to be released. Only to be left more and more disappointed as I watched the episodes of the new season.

As much as I love TV shows, and as much as I would love to keep on watching more and more episodes of my favourite ones, I think that dragging the story just to keep the show on is not a very good idea. Keeping the show short, but letting it focus on excellent characters and a good plot with perfect twists, is often the best choice, as all the short Netflix original series have shown so far.

This is the reason why I am starting getting a bit bored of Once Upon a Time, even though I used to like it so much at it very beginning. It feels a bit like the producers are not sure of what to fuel to use to keep the story awake, and end up using the same strategies over and over again – Emma is the Saviour, she is good and strong, but sometimes she lets her fears overcome; she fights against very strong enemies, and those villains always seem to win over the main heroes; eventually, Emma realises she is very strong, and wins. End of the story.

The fact that season 6 shows the return of the Evil Queen then, is, according to me, another proof of the fact that the show is lacking of strong characters, and the producers need to “recycle” those good ones they created at the beginning of the story. At the end, the Evil Queen and Rumpelstiltskin are the best evil characters of the whole show, and actually work so much better as evil that as heroes.

Now, the show is back after its 3 months break, and the final episodes will put an end to the the 6th season, which as been, according to me, one of the most boring so far. I will definitely watch the final episodes – hoping they might redeem the first part of the show and bring back that action I so loved in the first seasons of the show.

Do you watch this TV show, and do you like it? Or maybe you too feel like it used to be much better at its very beginning? Let me know what you think. Take care you all xoxo


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