In My Wishlist – Bourjois Rouge Laque Liquid Lipsticks

I had a walk in Superdrug a few days ago, and I stopped in front of Bourjois stand for the first time after a good while. As I was looking at the new launches, I realised the brand has created some new liquid lipsticks, called Rouge Laque Liquid Lipsticks.

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Those new young brothers of the most famous Rouge velvet, promise to be lightweight, long lasting, intense, non sticky and super shiny. In a nutshell, perfection!
Their cost is of 8.99£ in Boots and Superdrug, and there are 8 colors available for now, from nude to bright red. As I so deeply loved the Rouge velvet I will surely try a couple of the newbies as well. Colors 02 and 07 look very promising.

Did you try them already? Let me know what you think of them, and if you think they’re as good as the classic Rouge velvet line!


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