Plan with Me – May Bullet Journal

It's that time of the month again! Time of planning our journal, and being May the month of my birthday, the theme couldn't be but pink and cats. So, let's have a look to it and see what I came up with this month.

The first page is, as always, a cover in watercolor, having as a main character a cute little animal. As I said, May is the month of my birthday, and as cats are my favourite animals, I decided to go with this fluffy kitty, next to a birthday cake. Everything is covered in different shades of pink, as it is my favourite color ever. When I took this pic the page next to it was still blank; it is now filled with a drawing with an inspirational quote, I will post it soon.

Next comes the monthly Calendar. This month I decided to go roughly with the same design I used in April, with a bigger calendar and a few spaces around to write down monthly goals, to do list, wish list, blog ideas and gratitude.

After that I decided to draw my Habit tracker, and I went back to my old style, using two different blocks for habits and mood/energy/sleep, and using the horizontal design instead of the verticl one, which I didn't enjoy last month.

My Expenses tracker tough looks exactly like April's, as I absolutely loved it. I found it so useful having a box for each week, and my only mistake is that May has 4 weeks and a half, so I will note down the expenses of the last 3 days with the 4th week of the month.

My Readings and Recipes to try pages are the same as ever; actually, next month I really need to change the title header a bit, as this one starts to look a bit boring. If you have ideas for me just let me know please!

Last but not least, weekly spread. For May I went back to the horizontal boxes for each day of the week, alternated to spaces left for doodling or for writing down notes/to do lists.

Overall, I have to say I like how this month spread turned out to be. I run out of pink washy tapes, and I mean to buy some more, so for next weeks I will possibly decorate my pages with bits of pinkish washy tapes too.

Let me know which ones are the colors and themes you chose for your bullet journal instead, and as always, I hope you might have found useful this little post.
Talk to you very soon, take care and stay happy


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