Bullet Journal – February Set Up

With the last, rainy January days letting us flip the calendar page and give a glimpse to the new month, comes along my February Bullet Journal Set Up. I had so much fun in filling in, creating and inventing for my journal in January, and I just couldn't wait to start a new month.
As January is my very first attempt with a BuJo, I was really not sure about how to proceed, what to include, which colour palette chose. It was a month of experimentation, and I can gladly say that February comes with more clear ideas of what I really need, what to eliminate and what to include in my journal. So lets give it a look!

I really liked my January first page, the one with the little penguin drawing. I decided then to make a theme out of it, and to draw some cute little animals on the first page of every month for next coming ones. Being February the month of Valentine, I decided to go for a couple of cute little bears, holding on a heart shaped balloon. As always, on the top page the name of the month in black, and on the bottom page a quick look of the whole month.

Next page is usually dedicated to a bigger version of the whole month days, allowing me to write down important notes, appointments, birthdays etc. Now, in January I had drawn a two pages calendar month, just leaving a tiny space on the right to write down a “To do” list. I have to say, I didn't like it that much,as it looked too bulky, big and rough. For February, I decided to write down a half of a page calendar, leaving some space on the bottom page for goals and to do list. On the next page, I created three columns, where I am going to write down notes, blog ideas and wish list of the month, which is to say a list of things I would like to buy during the month (like stationery, clothes, food, anything really). Colour theme for February is a salmon pink (I am using a Tombow brush pen). On the bottom page, another theme of the month, a chain of little hearts.

Next page, a few more of my collections: my Habit Tracker and my Expenses Tracker. Those two are almost identical to the previous month ones, as I really like them and found them so useful in January. I only cut off a few entries from my habit tracker, as they were things I didn't really need to track, and I am thinking about adding a few more entries, like “10.000 steps”, “hairdresser” and “cinema”. We shall see.
And yes, I know, I wrote "January" on my habit tracker, how silly of me! I fixed it after having taken these pics, with a drop of simple correction fluid, and then wrote February on the top of the white coat.

Going ahead, we find the two pages are dedicated to my books log, where I am going to track all the reading material I am consuming during the month, and a gratitude log. This one is new, as in January I used to keep a small space in my week spread to write down my weekly gratitude. For February I decided to leave a whole page, on which I am going to write down the most positive thoughts of the month, and big and little thing I need to be grateful for. A little inspirational quote at the bottom line will help me reach this goal.

Last but not least, my weekly spread. In January I used a classic horizontal spread, aligned with a few boxes to write down tasks for the week, gratitude, meals and a small calendar to keep track of what week of the month we are talking about. In February I decided to try the vertical spread, and having cut off the gratitude box (cause I have a whole page for it), I've got more room to write down notes and meals of the week. I'll experiment with this spread this month, and then decided whether I prefer the horizontal or the vertical set up.

And so, this is my February set up. I am very curious to find out what you are going to create with yours! Share your ideas and set up with me if you like :)
Lots of kisses, and see you soon.


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