TV Show Addicted – 11.22.63

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Despite having a huge list of TV show episodes to catch up with, I can't but look for new shows to follow, especially the short series on Netflix. As I was browsing my favourite blogs, I read a few articles about a new TV Show inspired by a Stephen King book, and as I read the plot and liked it, decided to give it a go watching the pilot episode.

The show is called 11.22.63, and its all about JFK assassination, with a pinch of supernatural (cause of course, its Stephen King we're talking about). The main character of the show is Jake Epping (James Franco), an English teacher recently divorced, living in Maine. As he sits in his friend's Al Templeton dine (Chris Cooper), he finds out his old friend is not feeling well.
Al reveals him he's got cancer, but before dying he needs to pass Jake his mission, and make sure Jake fulfils it. Al can travel back in time, through a cupboard in the back of his dine, and find himself in 1960. What he wants to do, is avoid JFK assassination, as he is sure that if Kennedy survived, today we would have a much better world – no Vietnam war, no 09/11, nothing at all.

Jake obviously doesn't believe him at the beginning; but then he travels back in time himself, and decides to take over Al's mission, and make everything he can to avoid Kennedy's assassination. The only back side of the situation, is that when Jake passes the cupboard he find himself in 1960, but Kennedy was killed in 1963; he then needs to wait three years, settle in the past history, and gather as much info as he can to stop Lee Harvey Osvald (Daniel Webber) from killing the president.

I never read the book from King, but after having seen the show – and having loved it – I think I will give the book a go. I really liked the show, and I appreciated it gives a proper conclusion (which is of course, very subjective, but still able to close the circle).

Definitely recommend to watch a couple of episodes (its only 8 in total), you won't regret it!  


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